Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Salsa, Eggs & Saw Dust

We took a walk around the RV park this afternoon and made a stop in the office. I noticed the shelf of locally grown, and canned treats. We decided to try the Hot Pickled Eggs and Cranberry Orange Salsa.

One of the other campers was talking to the gal at the check out desk. Sam tried to sneak a picture of him, but could not get a great shot. Camper guy was covered in saw dust. Maybe he's a lumberjack... Who knows. He did notice what we were purchasing and proceeded to tell us all about cranberries and the harm they can cause. In his case, kidney stones. He claims that the last kidney stone he ever had, in 1995, was caused from the cranberry sauce he ate at Thanksgiving. I won't give you all the details, lets just say its 20 minutes we can never get back.

Turns out the salsa we purchased was really good. I didn't brave the pickled eggs. Sam says they were "not his favorite". I cant say I'm surprised, they expired in September 2012.

1 comment:

  1. oh my! you let Sam eat pickled eggs living in such a small space! Brave....very very Brave....
